Saturday, May 02, 2009

how to use affiliate ?

To become an affiliate, go to sites such as or, or go to Amazon's homepage and click on the Join Associates link. Prepare to spend some time in your search because it will be easy to get carried away with so many to choose from. Be sure to keep these guidelines in mind as you decide.

* Is their affiliate program free to join? Never pay to help them sell their product!

* What's their reputation like? With the Net at your fingertips, you can research to see if you want to be associated with them.

* Do they have a proven conversion rate? Remember you are doing this to earn money. Why drive traffic to a site that doesn't sell?

Going with an affiliate program is a great way to start out making money working at home. Much of the work has already been done for you. Choose a great product and go for it!

Affiliate Programs to Make Money Online

Affiliate programs have become very popular in the last few years and many people use them to make money online.

If you are new to earning money on the Internet, you may be unfamiliar with this concept. Very simply, you become an affiliate marketer much like you might become an insurance salesperson. The insurance company provides you with all the tools and advertising materials needed to sell their product or products.

Online merchants need online marketers to tout and sell their products and they are willing to pay out a percentage of their profits to see that accomplished. It's a win-win situation. Your job is to simply drive as much traffic to your merchant as you possibly can. Many merchants offer ad copy, pre-written autoresponder letters, banners, and even professional landing pages.

Rather than selling (contrary to our insurance salesperson cited above), as an affiliate marketer you are simply pre-selling. You funnel the prospects to that merchant and the merchant's professional site takes it from there.

Since there are literally hundreds of thousands of products to choose from, how will you make a decision? You will hear differing advice on this. Some encourage you to get involved in what interests you personally. If you are a pet lover, you may want to get on board a program that sells pet products or pet care information. Others will tell you to stick with the hottest, top-selling items. Only you can decide which way to go.

Additionally, you can choose information products only, or you can go with actual physical products. These can range from nutritional products, to makeup, to purses and accessories, to exercise equipment. Some of these offer high commissions!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Employment opportunities on the Internet part2

Think about the salary.

What are your current needs? Do you have a job that you are looking to get rid of, but does it currently pay the bills? Are you unemployed and need a situation fast? There is often a time period when search engine marketing opportunities and pay per click services will need to wait before they pay you. Ask how long it will be before you receive your first pay check and how much they think it will be.

Do you have the capabilities to do the job?

Think about your internet set up at home. Do you have a reliable connection and can you clock time on your own on the computer? Too many people need to fight for a turn to use the computer, and this can be quite detrimental to your plans. Take some time to really sort through your resources and what they will be for the foreseeable future. Think about any disruptions (visits, vacations, the busy time at your other job) and make sure you take them into consideration.

Do your research!

What do you know about the company that is hiring you? Do they have a good reputation online and what do people who have worked for them in the past say? Take some time to find out what people are saying in reviews and on forums about your new company. How much did the other people make, and were they paid in a regular and timely fashion? There are many points to consider when you are starting a new job, and you want to make sure that your newest opportunity is a good one.

By keeping to a checklist, you can make sure that you have criteria for judging the opportunities that you come across. This is a good rubric to use when you are choosing between pay per click opportunities because it gives you a place to start from. Take some time and make sure that this opportunity is the one that helps you succeed!